Humanitarian Parole Attorney In Arizona
Humanitarian Parole Attorney In Arizona
Humanitarian parole is a discretionary relief granted by the United States Federal Government allowing an individual to enter the U.S. without a visitor’s visa for emergency or public interest reasons. People who are inadmissible or otherwise ineligible for admission in the United States may get humanitarian parole for a limited period. Humanitarian parole does not offer any permanent benefits and is not a pathway to citizenship. But once admitted on parole, one can apply for temporary work permits and other benefits of temporary nature such as temporary refugee cash and medical assistance.
Eligibility For Humanitarian Parole
Humanitarian parole is given on a case-by-case basis by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This relief is granted sparingly to individuals ineligible for immigration visas for compelling emergencies such as medical emergencies or visiting a dying family member. Parole is authorized based on the following grounds;
- There are urgent humanitarian reasons;
- There is a significant public benefit for such authorization; and
- The beneficiary merits a favorable exercise of discretion.
Over the years, humanitarian parole is being used for bringing in groups of individuals from countries facing a humanitarian crisis. Recently many Afghans fleeing persecution applied for humanitarian parole to enter the U.S.
Length Of Humanitarian Parole
Humanitarian parole only lasts for a temporary period. The authorized period depends upon the nature of the emergency or humanitarian crisis. If the parole is granted, the authorized period is also specified to accomplish the purpose of parole. Usually, parole is never granted for more than a year.
The humanitarian parole ends once the authorized period expires or the beneficiary departs the U.S. Once the parole expires or is revoked, the beneficiary may apply for re-parole from within the U.S. under certain circumstances.
Requirement Of A Sponsor
A sponsor is a person or entity who agrees to financially support the beneficiary while he / she stays in the United States. It is one of the important determining factors for the authority to consider whether the individual has the means of support for the duration of the parole authorization period. A beneficiary, alternatively, may also demonstrate self-financial capabilities to support himself as well.
Filing Procedure
One must specify the period and grounds upon which the humanitarian parole is being sought and then file before the appropriate authority. Here is the filing procedure:
- First complete and sign Form I-131, Application for Travel Document and the Form I-134, Affidavit of Support;
- Pay the filing fee where applicable;
- Include all the required evidence and supporting documents;
- Complete Form G-1145 to receive e-notification;
Once you have filed the required documents, the USCIS will notify you regarding the further procedures and the decision once it has been made.
Humanitarian Parole Attorney In Arizona
If you are facing an emergency and in need of humanitarian parole, an experienced attorney will help you by introducing you to the right procedures. A professional will also help you in correctly completing and filing your application. An experienced immigration attorney will increase the chance of your application being accepted by many folds.